Friday, February 5, 2010

Almost Two Years

It's been almost two years since I've posted on this blog. But now I'm back and more narcissistic than ever. Because now I'm going to start posting everything Alyssa - my videos, my photography, my random thoughts, right here on my very own free blogger account owned by the almighty google.

Originally I created this blog as a place for my photography, but then I got distracted by making videos on YouTube. Fast forward two years, now I have two, no THREE youtube channels, two blip channels, and my creative energy is more dispersed than ever. With this in mind I decided it's time to post all my content in one location. And blogger is the spot of choice...this week.

And who will read, watch, ponder all the brilliance coming straight from the heavens and out my lovely fingers onto this page? Well, probably no one. It will just be me congratulating myself and all my accomplishments, and maybe a guardian angel or two watching from over my shoulder.

So, there you have it. I'm more confident and self-indulgent than ever. I'm going to make an amazing blogger. Watch out lone reader, Alyssa Price, you're fabulous.


vanessa joie said...

Hoooray! There's no such thing as "too much Alyssa". Not possible.

Dr. Josh said...

Don't let another two years pass by lol keep your promise to yourself and find just a few seconds a day to blog, even if you do what I do and use it as a journal that's.... not so secret lol